Do you know how to exercise according to you age?

As years pass, not only do we become wiser; our bodies and minds also undergo some changes. In general, people are not aware about what exercises they should be performing, nor the intensity of such exercises. With this in mind, today we will give you some tips regarding the physical activity that is best for your age group.


Recommendations for adults (people between 18 and 64 years of age):

  • In order to achieve health benefits and to increase the quality of life, regular physical activity is advisable.
  • Throughout the week, adults should accumulate a minimum of between 150 and 300 minutes of moderately intense aerobic physical activity, or a minimum of between 75 and 150 minutes of vigorously intense aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of activities of moderate and vigorous intensity.
  • Two or more days per week, it is also advisable to perform muscle strengthening activities, either of moderate intensity or higher, to work all the major muscle groups.
  • Adults should limit the time they spend in sedentary activities. It is desirable to replace any sedentary time for physical activity of any intensity, such as walking, riding a bicycle, taking your pet out for a walk, among others.

Recommendations for seniors (people older than 65 years of age):

  • In senior citizens, exercising has a positive impact for their lifestyle and general well-being of these patients. However, maintenance exercises (gymnastic exercises) are more advisable for elderly people than tougher activities, because their mobility is no longer the same. Exercise on a daily basis, even if only to take a short stroll. If this is not possible, try to exercise every two or three days per week, and you will still achieve positive results.
  • During the entire week, seniors should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderately intense aerobic physical activity, along with strength exercises two times per week.
  • Endurance exercises help delay the aging process. For this reason, our advice is to perform gymnastic exercises, such as swimming, bicycling, walking, and dancing. Strength exercises are also advisable, with the goal of developing your muscles and strengthening your bones.
  • Stretching exercises for elderly people help bolster the health of their muscles. It is desirable to exercise both your lower as well as your upper limbs. Keeping your entire body in shape is essential.

If you want to exercise to improve your physical health and wellness, but don’t know how to do so based your age group, don’t worry: Aictive is the ideal platform for you to begin a new lifestyle, receiving the best specific tips from specialists who will support you in your process.

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